For all of my fellow mamas out there....
For clarification please know that when I refer to my fellow mama's I'm including all women who are loving, caring, providing, ministering, and leading by example to all young people, even our furry little friends!
You have influence and power over many, even those who you don't know are watching!
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
Galatians 6:9 (KJV)
I know I'm not the only one who may be losing it a little as a mom during this stay at home period. The moms of school-aged children know exactly what I mean! To be a mom during this season means way more to me now than it ever has. There's no escape!
God's grace is so key here. There are times when my patience is at its very end and I've had to stop and pray to God to give me the peace that I need to mother in a compassionate way. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't... But God's grace grants me a second chance to try again.
In these moments I have to remember what a blessing it is to have this time my kiddos, especially Jordan who will be off to college in 2 short years. (I'm already crying)
Hang in there mamas! even if your hiding in the bathroom from time to time, which leads me to......
Casting all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7 (NKJV)
Self-care, most of the time is easier said than done. Trust me I get it. Especially with everything closed - my nails are nubs, my greys are popping out to say hello and these eyebrows ... let's not even discuss it!
As a mom, our natural instinct is to take care of whatever is in front of us, and most of the time, for me at least, it's a little voice asking for juice!
As we get through the day-to-day of managing our households and workload it's easy to forget to take a breather. I'm asking you to try. Take a moment and cast your cares on God. Stop and breathe. Sit on your couch drink some tea and just take a moment with God. You truly won't regret it.
Lastly, I want to take a moment to salute all of our moms on the frontlines during this pandemic.
We are praying for your strength!
I stopped to read this again AND to look for new entries. For me, there's nothing like reading "real-life" 'cause Lord knows it gets pretty real some times. Keep the blog going ...inspiration and reflection are good along the way.